This is the first post in what will hopefully be a daily (six days a week) occurrence. With the various sources that we follow, this will help us keep tabs on what comes through. Each “update” consists of articles and videos we’ve come across in the last 24 hours or so.


Refuting Mandatory COVID Vaccination
Cease and Desist Yout Mandatory Mask Policy
PCR test is still used despite being a total fraud!
Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose
Mississippi Coroner Says State’s Coronavirus Death Tally Is Misleading, Causing ‘Unnecessary Fear In The Public’
Store Mask Requirements Aren’t Really Requirements If They Aren’t Enforced
No Mask, No Service: Supermarket Sued for Disability Discrimination Over Strict Face-Covering Policy


Shadowgate – A Documentary
Newsbreak 84 | COVID-19 Death Numbers Inflated in Illinois, as per County Coroner
The coronavirus testing is not scientifically sound. Here’s why.
Plandemic Video
The Plandemic – Coronavirus, 5G and Vaccine Deception – Full Documentary
Lockdown Protests All Around the World

If a video no longer exists at any of the above links, search for it, there’s a good chance another copy can be found.